DX 2022
Diagnosis is a classical part of Artificial Intelligence research. The aim of the annual DX Workshop is to unite researchers and practitioners with diverse backgrounds in order to leverage research in diagnosis, that is, identifying the root causes for encountered malfunctions. Since 1989, the DX Workshop series has been offering a forum to present current research and experience reports, exchange and discuss emerging ideas, as well as debate current issues and envisioned future challenges. Relevant topics are related to fault diagnosis, monitoring, testing, debugging, reconfiguration, fault-adaptive control, fault recovery, and repair.
Workshop Location
The 33rd International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX-2022) will be held September 14-16, 2022, in Toulouse, France. Toulouse is in the French department of Haute-Garonne and of the larger region of Occitanie. The city is on the banks of the River Garonne, 150 kilometres (93 miles) from the Mediterranean Sea. It is the fourth-largest commune in France.

photo: Claude Attard, license (CC BY 2.0)
- ANITI - Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute
- SAGIP - Society of Automation, Industrial Engineering and Productics
- INSA - Institute of Higher Education and Research
- LAAS-CNRS - Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems
- AFIA - Association Française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle
DX 2022 papers
are available on : https://hal.science/DX2022/search/index?q=DX+2022
DX 2022 social event