The DX-2022 program committee invites submissions of technical papers for DX-2022, to be held in Toulouse, France on September 14-16, 2022.
We are looking forward to submissions on any diagnosis-related topic, including papers focusing on the following issues:
DX22 accepts two types of papers. Regular research papers must not be longer than eight pages in the double column A4 format provided at the workshop's website. The second type of accepted papers are short papers (four pages max) dealing with the presentation of tools, benchmarks or preliminary works presenting original ideas for diagnosis or non standard diagnosis problems.
For tool papers, an interactive electronic presentation of the tool will be mandatory. For benchmark papers, the proposed benchmarks must be freely available to the research community. The main criteria for short papers about new ideas and diagnosis problems will be their originality. Authors are required to submit their papers electronically via the DX22 website.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed, and accepted papers will be scheduled for either an oral or a poster presentation.
By submitting a paper, the corresponding authors agree that for each accepted paper at least one of its authors has to register and attend the workshop in order to present her/their work. The program committee reserves the right to reject overlong submissions, submissions that violate the guidelines, and submissions in formats other than PDF without review.
By submitting a paper, the authors agree that the accepted papers will be transferred for communication into the open archive HAL.
We are looking forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you at DX'22!
Paper submission deadline: 23:59 (anywhere) on May 15th, 2022
Paper reviews deadline: June 30, 2022
Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2022
Camera ready copies due: July 31, 2022
Registration deadline: August 15, 2022
Workshop: September 14th-16th, 2022
Many conferences (notably, IJCAI), accept duplicate submissions. The DX policy is to accept such duplicate submissions where the submission does not violate the other conference or journal policies and where the submission does not constitute self-plagiarism.
Submitted papers must be no longer than eight pages, including all figures and references, and must be formatted according to the posted DX-2022 guidelines. Papers must be formatted for letter paper, in double-column format with a 10pt font. Electronic templates for the LaTeX typesetting package, as well as a Microsoft Word template, that conform to the DX-2022 guidelines available at the workshop website.
Authors are required to submit their electronic papers in PDF format. Files in postscript (ps) or any other format will not be accepted.
Over-length papers will not be considered for review. Each accepted paper will be allowed eight pages in the proceedings
Papers must be submitted electronically through the DX-2022 paper submission page.
Papers will be accepted for either oral or poster presentation. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the conference to present the work. Authors will be required to agree to this requirement at the time of submission.
Papers will be subject to peer review. Selection criteria include accuracy and originality of ideas, clarity and significance of results and quality of presentation. The decision of the Program Committee will be final and cannot be appealed.
Information regarding DX-2022 is disseminated through the DX-2022 website, the DX-2022 mailing list and other printed and electronic media. The information published on the DX-2022 website is authoritative and in case of conflicts takes precedence. Authors and participants are required to monitor the DX-2022 website for updates and corrections. Notifications about major updates and additions to the website will be sent through the DX-2022 mailing list.
If you have any further questions, send an email to the local DX-2022 organizing committee.
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