For preparing your paper, we offer you style files for Latex and Word (DX22 styles), you intend to use some other word processing software, please ensure that the PDF file looks as much like as our sample described in the above templates.
DX22 accepts two types of papers. Regular research papers must not be longer than eight pages in the double column A4 format provided at the workshop's website. The second type of accepted papers are short papers (four pages max) dealing with the presentation of tools, benchmarks or preliminary works presenting original ideas for diagnosis or non standard diagnosis problems.
Oral presentations: each paper presentation will last 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes of questions. You are welcome to bring your own computer (HDMI or VGA connection).
Poster session: At the beginning of the poster session, each speaker will be invited to present the topic of his or her work with a single slide to the entire assembly in about 2 minutes.
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